

The story of Corundum Convergence Institute (CCI) begins with the story of Corundum.
Yasushi Yamamoto, CEO and founder of Corundum, found himself on an unlikely path from Japan to the rest of the world: after graduating with a degree in Economics from Kyoto University, his desire to make a tangible impact on the world led him on an adventure across the globe.
Inspired by the idea of connecting the energy, entrepreneurship and innovation around the world with the industrial base of Japan, Yamamoto returned to Tokyo and founded Corundum Group in 2014. CCI, a US based 501©(3) was founded in 2023 to continue various philanthropic initiative of Corundum.

As some of the world’s most challenging and exciting areas of scientific exploration, neuroscience and systems biology have immense potential to accelerate the discovery of disease models, advance preventative and personalized healthcare, and positively impact human health and wellbeing.
From day one, Corundum set out to be a discovery and innovation engine, with an emphasis on strategic patience and long-term vision
— Yasushi Yamamoto, Corundum CEO
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We focus on the hardest challenges, not the easy ones, to make the greatest gains for health and wellbeing worldwide.
— Caleb B. Bell III, President and Executive Director, CCI
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Caleb Ted
To transform potential into real-world impact, these complex fields require deeper investment and resources, as well as a new approach to funding science. That’s why Corundum Convergence Institute (CCI) was founded as a US-based, 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to sponsoring research and venture philanthropy in the fields of Neuroscience, Systems Biology, and the Artificial Intelligence that supports these areas of focus.

Rather than taking a traditional reductionist view of scientific research, CCI takes a “systems” approach, bringing together neuroscience, microbiome research, ideas, execution, human intuition and artificial intelligence. By converging global innovators with optimal resources, CCI is redesigning the way science is funded and brought to the world, for the benefit of us all.
Supporting high-caliber science in these complex areas is an ambitious goal. However, it represents a unique opportunity to meaningfully impact progress and potentially change the course of human history.”
— Yamamoto, Corundum CEO
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Real convergence only happens when there is openness, trust and co-operation, guided by diligence and an ethical, values-led approach. At CCI, we are guided by our five core values:
We strive to be a humble challenger and approach our work with empathy. We champion scientific exploration with a lifelong commitment to learning. Our humility makes us stronger as a team and as a trusted partner.
We seek discoveries and push boundaries with the belief that innovation can come from anywhere. By bringing together diverse minds – researchers, innovators, and visionaries – and connecting seemingly disparate fields and diverse ideas, we will unlock breakthroughs and drive progress.
We are in this for the long term, nurturing strong collaborations and supporting partners across the globe, in alignment with their needs and vision.
We aim to drive responsible, purpose-led innovation. Consequently, we focus on fields we believe have the greatest potential to positively impact humanity.
We are committed to the highest standards of execution and scientific research. We prioritize accuracy, reproducibility and ethical conduct.