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Human Phenotype Project, Expanded Access Awards

Status -
Full proposals by 15 September 2024
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Background & Objectives

The Human Phenotype Project is a large-scale (>13,000 participants) deep-phenotype prospective longitudinal cohort established at the Weizmann Institute to identify novel molecular markers with diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic value, and to develop prediction models for disease onset and progression. The cohort includes both healthy participants as well as those with approximately 40 distinct diseases, including metabolic disease, neurological disorders, gastrointestinal disease, cardiovascular disease, and various cancer malignancies; with many participants having multiple comorbidities. For each participant, the deep phenotype profile consists of diverse modalities, including imaging (e.g., dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry; DXA, ultrasound, retina scans), time-series (e.g., electrocardiogram, continuous glucose monitoring, and sleep), multi-omics (e.g., transcriptome, genetics, gut microbiome, metabolome and immune system), tabular (blood tests, body measures), and questionnaire and App data types (e.g., lifestyle and nutritional habits).

The Human Phenotype Project aims to support researchers developing the next wave of innovation in human health and disease research. We invite proposals for any analyses of this data and uses of these data. Applicants should articulate the types of data to be used, the analyses that will be performed, and the expected outcomes. Access to the dataset will be given to all applicants regardless of those selected for funding.

Research Grants

Up to $100,000 research funding plus 2-year access to HPP data

Eligibility Requirements

  • PI’s should be employed by an entity capable of conducting the proposed research: university, research institute, industry research group or startup

  • Must hold doctorate or medical degree

Areas of Interest

  • CNS 1

  • CNS 2

  • CNS 3

  • CSB 1

  • CSB 2

  • CSB 3

  • Any general used of analyses of the data that advance scientific and clinical understanding and/or have significant implications for the improvement of human health and wellbeing.


$50,000 to $100,000 USD per project

Support period

Funding for 1 year, access to database for 2 years.

Number of awards

At most one $100,000k award and two to five $50,000 awards depending on funding available.

Application Deadline

Full proposal: 15 September 2024

Notification date

Three months after submission


Proposals will be evaluated by the scientific excellence (i.e. novelty, relevance, methodology, and potential impact) of the proposal. Evaluation will be carried out by an external review panel.